Getting started

This quick start guide will show you how to get started with your PicoADK board. The guide should work on Windows, MacOS and Linux.


  1. Install Docker - for beginners we suggest using Docker Desktop

Repository structure

  • C / C++ code is located in the src folder and contains all the low-level funtionality for the firmware incl. USB MIDI handling and dealing with the Audio DAC.
  • Includes for the C / C++ code are located in the include folder.
  • The Vult DSP code is located in the vultsrc folder.
  • The includes for Vult are located in lib/vult/examples. These provide some oscillator, filter and envelope implementation along others.


Using the script

Just execute


in the project folder.


  1. git clone --recursive
  2. cd PicoADK-Firmware-Template
  3. Enter the following command in your project directory:
docker run --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g)  -v $PWD:/project -w /project datanoisetv/picoadk-dev:latest


After your compile process was successful, you will see a .UF2 file in the build subdirectory. Press and hold the BOOT button on your PicoADK Hardware and press the RESET button while holding BOOT. Then release BOOT* and a virtual drive will appear.

Now you can simply drag and drop the *.UF2 file to the virtual disk drive and the PicoADK will reboot and start running your firmware.